Referral Resources
If you or a loved one are struggling with substance use or other behavioral health concerns, you are not alone.
The Open Doors project does not provide direct services to individuals. For support with mental health, substance use, or general youth concerns, we encourage you to use any or all of the free resources below.
Getting Candid About Mental Health and Substance Use
substance use info created by and for youth
tools to support youth-serving providers and adults to build trust with youth when discussing substance use and other behavioral health concerns
information only
Wiregrass 211
health & human services referrals:
need help or want to give help
available nationwide 24/7
call 2-1-1 or 1-888-421-1266
text your zip code to 898211 (TXT211)
to connect with a Contact Specialist
FREE program that brings people and services together. We assist individuals in resolving issues and put them in touch with resources from over 900 organizations and initiatives that might be able to assist.
The Trevor Project
suicide support for LGBTQ+ youth
available nationwide
24/7 by phone, text, web
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
suicide support
available nationwide
call 800‑273‑TALK (8255)
text 838255 or
Trans Lifeline
grassroots hotline and microgrants
available USA & Canada, Mon-Fri
Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis—for the trans community, by the trans community.
call 1-877-565-8860 (USA)